Keilepand M4H

a place to work, make and meet

The Keilepand has been transformed by GROUP A in collaboration with studioADAMS from a pre-war fruit and vegetable shed into an activity-based building where similar-minded entrepreneurs give meaning to a sustainable future. The Keilepand is located in the Rotterdam Makers District of Merwe-Vierhavens (M4H) Rotterdam. The municipality of Rotterdam will develop this inner harbor area into a lively area for living and working, with space for creative and innovative businesses.

Sustainable transformation

When GROUP A and studioADAMS visited the Keilepand for the first time in 2015, they recognized the potential of the building’s concrete design by W. Kreis & Jüngst. With a sustainable transformation in mind, they opened discussions with the municipality regarding the value and future of the building. They joined forces with other users, acquired the Keilepand in 2019 and managed to secure an affordable place for entrepreneurs in the future development of MerweVierhavens (M4H) Rotterdam.

Resilient community

The transformation of the Keilepand designed by GROUP A and studioADAMS has enabled new activities in the former 1922 warehouse. The Keilepand is now a multifunctional building located next to urban farm the Voedseltuin in the Makersdistrict with workshops, offices, catering and an event and exhibition space of 1100 m². United within the KeileCollectief, architects, carpenters and food entrepreneurs contribute to a better environment.

Comfortable building

Since the acquisition, the Keilepand has been renovated and future-proofed in close consultation with the tenants. The design enhances the architectural features of the warehouse; with the naturally cool basement being used for production and storage of food, the ground floor with loading dock and generous access doors for transport of interior elements, and the daylight flooded 1st floor for design activities. At the heart of the building, the monumental timber clad staircase provides ample space for meeting, lecturing and exhibiting. The use of characteristic materials including oak timber for the central staircase and black steel for balustrades and window frames, provides a warm and sophisticated contrast with the robust monument.


Sustainability is central to the design of the transformation. With the installation of two air source heat pumps for heating and air conditioning, exterior roof insulation using white bitumin finish, interior wall insulation, LED lighting and heat recovery on the air circulation for each individual space, the landmark building has been awarded energy label A by 2020. The addition of solar panels on the roof and additional air source heat pumps will allow the building to go ‘off-grid’, with energy neutrality by 2025.

Sustainable urban development

The Keilepand is the culmination of the enthusiasm and drive of GROUP A and studioADAMS to combine architectural tools with the knowledge and skills of others. This collective approach to transformation goes beyond the Keilepand and is now deployed for sustainable urban development. With activities such as exhibitions, lectures and debates, the KeileCollectief promotes and encourages meeting, knowledge exchange and unexpected collaborations between M4H’s stakeholders.





Transformation warehouse into multifunctional building


Keilestraat 9F, Rotterdam, NL


14,500 sqm


Offices, workshops, production, exhibition space, hospitality, climbing hall, storage

Start design


Start construction

1st phase: Q3 2015 / 2nd phase: Q1 2020 / 3rd phase: Q1 2021


1st phase: Q1 2016 / 2nd phase: Q4 2020 / 3rd phase: Q2 2021


Frank Hanswijk and Margarita Kouvatsou

In collaboration with

studioADAMS and KeileCollectief


2020: energy label G to A / 2022: energy label A++ / 2025: energy neutral

The makers of this project

Folkert van Hagen

Folkert van Hagen Architect | Partner

Maarten van Bremen

Maarten van Bremen Architect | Partner

Adam Visser

Adam Visser Architect | Partner

Lolke Ket

Lolke Ket Architect | Projectleader

Dennis Berger

Dennis Berger Architect

Frank Deltrap

Frank Deltrap Architect | Projectleader

Perry Klootwijk

Perry Klootwijk Architect | Projectleader

Michelle Wanten

Michelle Wanten Office manager

Fieke Poelman

Fieke Poelman Architect | Projectleader

Chris Woltjes

Chris Woltjes Architect | Projectleader

Edwin van Thuijl

Edwin van Thuijl BIM Coordinator

Rolf van Gils

Rolf van Gils Building guidance | Budget monitoring | Quality control

Bianca Vermeulen

Bianca Vermeulen Financial | Legally

Jos Overmars

Jos Overmars Architectural engineer | Projectleader

Io Alexandropoulou

Io Alexandropoulou Architect

Ajay Saini

Ajay Saini

Richard Bax

Richard Bax

Nika Jazaei

Nika Jazaei

Gizem Adanur

Gizem Adanur Intern

Boyuan Shi

Boyuan Shi Architect

External stakeholders


Cordeel Nederland bv


Barth Installatietechniek



Structural Engineer

IMd Raadgevende Ingenieurs

Special furniture


This site is registered on as a development site.