Vision presented for Stappegoor Tilburg

Commissioned by BPD and in collaboration with the Municipality of Tilburg, GROUP A drew up the  vision for the centre of Stappegoor. Stappegoor is located to the south of the city centre and will be developed into an area for living, working, studying, sports and recreation. If it is up to the municipal college of mayor and aldermen, this vision will be the future image for Stappegoor centre.

The new development of Stappegoor consists of 1,000 affordable houses, a parking garage, infrastructural modifications, (re)design of public space, improvement of the bike and pedestrian  routes together with the Stappegoor Boulevard. BPD wants to realise around 550 apartments on the Appenijnenstrook. The Stappegoor Consortium has plans for around 175 houses with the development of ‘Wonen in het StappegoorPark’. And Tiwos is planing a temporary complex on the Ringbaan-Zuid with 80 to 90 small flats and 199 apartments with the ‘Poort van Stappegoor’. In order to make space for the housing blocks, the car park between the swimming pool and the Jumbo XL, will be removed and incorporated into the new development.

Beacons and anchor points
In GROUP A’s vision, new or improved public spaces will become important anchor points in the urban fabric. Adding height accents at strategic locations with the building blocks, will improve orientation and act as beacons in the neighbourhood. By stringing together the public spaces with connections specifically for pedestrians and cyclists, not only will the liveability of the neighbourhood be improved, but also your comprehension of the district. For GROUP A, the diversity of functions is a fantastic opportunity to really give Stappegoor a centre and thus create a high-quality addition of the urban living and residential climate in Tilburg. In short, a ‘new’, lively and green urban district, where it’s pleasant to stay both during the day and in the evening.

The municipality is applying to the national government for a 10.2 million subsidy for the development of Stappegoor. The outcome is expected at the beginning of 2021. In preparation for a positive decision, the council signed a letter of intent with Tiwos, BPD and Consortium Stappegoor. Together they are investigating the feasibility of the plans. If the subsidy is approved, construction can start at the end of 2022. The total development runs until the end of 2028.

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